

Also Known As: IFEX®

How It Is Given:

IIntravenously (IV), by vein

Early Side Effects (beginning within one week) Can Include:

  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Blood in the urine.
  • Frequent or painful urination.
  • Sleepiness, confusion, or hallucination. These can last up to a week after treatment.

Late Side Effects (beginning after one week) Can Include:

  • A temporary decrease in blood cell counts. All blood cells are affected.
  • Temporary thinning or loss of hair.
  • Kidney damage. You will be given a large amount of IV fluid to help prevent this.

Special Points:

  • This medicine can have a bad effect on an unborn child. Ask your doctor or nurse about the type of birth control you should use. Tell your doctor immediately if you think you or your partner might be pregnant.
  • This medicine can decrease your ability to have a child. It can affect both men and women. Discuss this with your doctor before you start treatment.
  • Take mesna as instructed.
  • Drink at least two quarts of noncaffeinated liquids a day for two to three days.
  • Do not drink alcohol (such as liquor, beer, or wine) unless your doctor says it is okay.
  •  Tell your doctor or nurse if you are taking any other medicines, including:
    – medicines that do and do not require a prescription.
    – herbal remedies.
    – dietary supplements.
  • Some of these may change the way ifosfamide works. Also let your doctor know of any change in your medicines.
  •  Aspirin, ibuprofen, and vitamin E can cause bleeding problems. Do not take medicine that has them unless your doctor says it is okay. Your nurse will give you a fact card that tells you what drugs you cannot take and what you can use instead.

Call Your Doctor or Nurse If You:

  • Have a fever of 100.4° F (38° C) or higher.
  • Have chills, body aches, a sore throat, or other signs of infection.
  • Feel confused, drowsy, or have trouble waking up.
  • Have pain when you urinate or blood in the urine.
  • Have so much nausea or vomiting that you cannot keep down anything you eat or drink.
  • Have any sign of bleeding. This includes:
    – black bowel movements.
    – faint red rash.
    – other signs of bleeding.
  • Have any unexplained problems.
  • Have any questions or concerns.

The information on this card is selective and does not cover all possible side effects; others may occur. Please report any problems to your doctor.