We apologize for the long delay in updates over the past several weeks. Barry has been super busy between juggling work, frequent appointments back and forth to Sloan Kettering for various scans, tests and biopsy. We last left off informing everyone that a CT guided needle biopsy was set for July 25, 2013. The biopsy was performed and the results came back as benign fragments of fibrous tissue. With that being said Barry’s “Sarcoma Team” wanted to dig in a little deeper and be 200% sure that this was indeed the right result. So another biopsy was discussed and set to happen on August 12, 2013.
August 12, 2013 – Arthroscopic Biopsy on the same specimen.
Barry had his pre-admission appointment August 7, 2013, where the went over the procedure and risks involved. The procedure involved the surgeon to make four incisions in Barry’s right mid section where they would try to remove four samples to biopsy. Obtaining the tissue samples was a success but unfortunately we experienced one of the complications. The risk of tearing, puncturing or collapsing a lung while obtaining the samples. One tissue sample was obtained at/near the T9 vertebrae, another sample from an area that was touching the right lung, and two other samples from the middle area between the spine and right lung.
Due to Barry’s lung issue, he was admitted to the hospital and required to have a chest tube inserted in his right side to allow his lung to drain, stop leaking and remained there from Monday August 12 until Thursday evening August 15. He was discharged Thursday evening and was told to rest, not lift anything in excess of 15 pounds and no physical activity. Follow-up date set for August 29, 2013.