Barry’s scan results came back and a new mass was discovered located on his T9 vertebral body. Which means he did not respond to the current/previous chemotherapy treatment.
Barry’s T9 is where the original tumor stemmed from. It is rare that a new tumor or cancerous growth would come back in an area that was already radiated. Barry now has to wait to see if he is able to have more radiation therapy. In order to control and kill the new mass. If radiation is not an option, their is a good chance the tumor will grow and eventually cause Permanent damage to his spinal chord and paralysis. With out a combination of radiation and chemotherapy the chances of pulling through this and entering remission are not likely. If he is able to receive more radiation therapy this increases to about 30%. He also plans to look into a stage 2 trial that is being conducted at Boston General Hospital. Despite all of the bad news, he still does his best to remain optimistic.
Stay tuned for another update after his next appointment in February.